Here are some interesting websites for radio amateurs



The most useful site there is! – by Don AA5AU

Probably the best RTTY program ever!

Try this for PSK and AFSK RTTY.

Help from Don AA5AU in setting up MMTTY etc

A great piece of software from KD5HIO.

A very useful suite of software for all your station needs.

Neat software from Patrick F6CTE

How to handle QTC traffic in the WAEDC RTTY Contest

The home page of BARTG


Setting up help from Don AA5AU



An add-on program for logging

A dedicated site for all digimodes and searches



Very good interfaces! I use the MKII in my shack

Great info!


Find out more about the RSGB.

This is a NEW mode, find out about it here!

Find out about the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society.

General information from the ARRL.

I use the MQ26 compact antenna

All the latest DX news and QSL info.

Computer-control of your rotator

This site, by AC6V, contains 1000’s of links.

The home page of “Fuzzy Modes” (MT63, Hell, etc).

The NG3K Contest and DX info pages

I use these cards

I also use these


The Buckmaster online callbook.

Online QRZ callbook: you can even add your info on-line!

Provided by the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society

IK3QAR list of QSL managers! A Must



Any comments or suggestion, please send to

phil (at) gu0sup (dot) com