QSL Policy 31 Jan 2023

While I am happy to respond to all bureau cards, please understand that we only get 3 or 4 batches of cards from the RSGB Bureau each year. This means you may have to wait up to one year (or more!) before I even get your card. In the last few batches, I have received two (or more!) cards for the same contact.

My log is on LoTW and the DARC DCL (dcl.darc.de0 site, as well as QRZ. PLEASE NOTE – I do NOT confirm any contacts on the QRZ web logbook. I do NOT use eQSL at all.

If you use LoTW, please consider that first…. save your cards, and just use LoTW. I would far prefer to be on the radio, making new contacts, rather than spending hours writing out cards!


Right place, right time (twice!)

On the morning of Monday 16th Jan, I popped into the shack and saw that ET3AA was spotted on 12m FT8, a new slot for me. I fired up the radio, and yay! they were quite loud here. Found a place to call them, and got in very quickly. Over the moon with that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I came back to the shack around lunchtime and they were being spotted on 10m FT8 – another new slot. Fired up again, and within 5 minutes, they were in the log again.                                                                Now, if only I could get them on 80/40/30m FT8, that wold be great!                                                                                                                                                                                                                         UPDATE – 19 Jan 23 – Popped into the shack around 1950UTC and saw a spot for ET3AA on 30m FT8. Fired up the rig, gave a call, and hey! They’re in the log!

20 Jan 23 – Managed to get David AL7LO on 12m for a new slot, and confirmed on LoTW !

Working me on FT8 – hints and tips

I do wish folk would learn how to work FT8!

So many callers on my transmit QRG that I can’t decode any. And those folk who call me, then start calling CQ, or working someone else on my QRG! That’s not the best way to get in my log.

If you want to work me, then at least call split, and keep your “Hold TX Freq” button checked!

I always give preference to folk that use LoTW!


My first blog of 2023!

12JAN23  Welcome to my new BLOG page! I will post my thoughts, ideas and whatever else here.

So far, FT8WW has eluded me, although I did get a signal report from him on the 10th Jan (twice!), but he failed to see my report to him, so no RR73